Sunday, August 3, 2008

The week that was July 22 - Aug 3

M-m-m-m-mega post!

Sigur Ros - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

Way better than their previous album, Takk. The first 5 tracks are epic which Jonsi's vocals still brings the main energy in all the songs. I feel that this time around they're smart enough to cut the chunks off their songs. Pretty solid but Ágætis byrjun and ( ) are still better albums.


Black Kids - Partie Traumatic

They're such a fun band to listen to. They sound like Los Campesinos! had a threesome with of Montreal and Architecture in Helsinki. Super catchy melodies with sing-a-long lyrics, definite recommendation to anyone feeling the blues.
Download single: Black Kids - Listen to Your Body Tonight

E For Explosion - Reinventing the Heartbeat

I really like the lyrics in this album but the sound can't hold long enough to make me hearing it again and again. Each of the songs sound almost the same with one another but there are some which outstands the rest. The lyrics are great and emotional (NOT EMO!) as the vocalist channels the flow smoothly. Kinda mediocre but I would give them another chance as I feel they have potential.
link (pass:

Gifts From Enola - Loyal Eyes Betrayed My Mind

This album is like maybeshewill except more of a post rock + hard rock than post rock+ heavy metal. The lead track has a very solid bassline and great drummings as well. The rest of the tracks are pretty forgettable, to be honest. I wouldn't mind listening to it once again but there are better post rock bands out there.

Air France - No Way Down EP

Great summer electronic music right here. Or spring maybe. I have not heard many electronic albums before but this is really enjoyable. Maybe it's the groove in the album or the matching samples or the layers of the music or there's no random electronic noise that I've always heard in techno music.
link (pass:
Download single: Air France - No Excuses

I Would Set Myself On Fire For You - Believe in Patterns

Even though it's not as good as Circle Takes the Square, it's still a great album. Even though it's a screamo album, there are some songs which are either instrumental or a female vocalist actually singing. Although most of their songs are over 5 minutes long, the buildups to the climax are really intense and epic. Although screamo is a great genre, I wouldn't recommend this album to people who wants to get into the genre. But nevertheless, a great band.

Metric - Live it Out

I got really high expectations for this band as some of their members are from Broken Social Scene but I was left dissapointed. I thought they would somehow sound like Stars but they were more of the rock type. All of the songs are sung by their female vocalist. For some reason, I'm not really into the guitar riffs (must be the stars comparison). Anyway, nice band but if you want something better, go for Broken Social Scene or Stars.
Download single: Metric - Monster Hospital

The Radio Dept. - Lesser Matters

I really dig this band. They had a dreamy sound like Deerhunter and Moscow Olympics and they're Swedish! Those swedish with their poppy music. Close your eyes while listening to this album and you can just feel the emotions. Kudos!
Download Single: The Radio Dept. - Where Damage Isn't Already Done

Red Sparowes - Every Red Heart Shines Towards The Sun

Their sound is very metal-like but it is consider post-rock for some reason. Even though it's an instrumental album, it seems there's a story in it. According to the band's leader, he said he was inspired by The Great Leap Forward. In communist China, they labelled sparrows, mice, flies and mosquitoes as pest and therefore has to be exterminated. Peasants were encouraged to bang pots and pans to scare sparrows into continuing flight, eventually killing them from exhaustion. Whilst the harvest of the year after the campaign was larger, there was a massive rise in locust numbers in the late 1950s, as a result of the significantly lower population of sparrows, a major predator of the locust. Because of this, 38 million people died of famine thanks to the destruction of crops by the locusts. End of History lesson.

Anyway, one thing that strikes me about this album is their freaking LONG song titles. Let me give you an example, "And by Our Own Hand Did Every Last Bird Lie Silent in Their Puddles, the Air Barren of Song as the Clouds Drifted Away. For Killing Their Greatest Enemy, the Locusts Noisily Thanked Us and Turned Their Jaws Toward Our Crops, Swallowing Our Greed Whole". Their sound is kinda rough but there is time when crescendos were used to reduce the dryness of them. Okay album but I think they can do much better than that.
link (pass:

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